(Revised November 2022)


The name of this organization shall be the Kentucky Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (KACRAO).

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KACRAO shall be a professional educational association, voluntary and non-profit, of cooperating collegiate level, degree-granting institutions of higher education in Kentucky, accredited in any of the categories recognized by the Department of Education or by a 2/3 vote of the membership present at the annual business meeting. Eligibility for other types of membership shall be as outlined in the Constitution. Any institution granted membership before October 1994 shall retain eligibility for membership status.

The general purpose of this association shall be to promote the advancement of education, particularly outstanding higher education. The specific goals shall be to professionally advance the admissions offices, records, registration, and closely related functions among institutions of higher learning. In pursuit of the purposes of the Association, KACRAO does not discriminate against any individual based on national or ethnic origin, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability.

The association may undertake any activity appropriate to the purposes outlined in this section but is specifically required to:

a.) Holding an Annual Conference for the professional improvement of its members and conducting Association business.
b.) Communicate association news, occasional special bulletins, and reports.
c.) Encourage, work, and cooperate in research projects to further the association's purpose.
d.) Promote close cooperation with SACRAO, AACRAO, and other appropriate associations and encourage participation in professional activities at the regional and national levels.
e.) Conduct workshops and seminars regularly for the betterment of the membership. Key staff members from institutions referenced above shall be admitted to membership in the association. Such individuals shall constitute active members of the association.

None of the association's funds shall inure to the benefit of any private individual or organization except for services rendered or goods purchased. Upon dissolution, any remaining funds or assets shall be distributed to some educational or other charitable or non-profit organization(s) by a majority vote of the membership.

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Section 1. Institutional Members
Institutional members shall consist of individuals from member institutions that have paid dues. They shall participate in Association business, are eligible to hold elective office, and participate in relevant actions, including committee assignments.

Section 2. Emeritus Membership
Emeritus members are those individuals selected for special recognition upon retiring or leaving the profession after significant contributions to KACRAO and the admissions/registrar professions. The Recognitions, Resolutions, and Awards Committee solicit nominations and will forward their award recommendations to the Executive Committee for action.

Section 3. Associate Members
Associate members shall be those found to have purposes parallel with those of KACRAO and desire to participate in its (non-voting) activities. They are approved for this status by the Executive Committee.

Section 4. Administration
The Executive Committee shall govern the administration of membership activities according to adopted and published guidelines separate from the Constitution and Bylaws. Said guidelines shall be approved and modified by the Executive Committee's two-thirds majority vote. Approved modifications are effective only after thirty days and notification of the membership. These guidelines shall not contravene the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association.

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Section 1. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall include the following:

(a) President
(b) President-Elect
(c) Vice President for Admissions
(d) Vice President for Records and Registration
(f) Vice President for Technology & Communications
(g) Treasurer;
(h) Treasurer-Elect; and
(i) Immediate Past President & Secretary

It is a preference that no more than two active members represented from the same institution serve on the Executive Committee at any given time. If a vacancy is being filled for any reason, approval of more than two active members of the remaining Executive Committee is required; if more than two candidates are up for nomination, approval rests with the Nominations and Elections. In addition, the Local Arrangements Committee Chair shall serve as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee. The chair is appointed for an annual term by the President-Elect before the Annual Conference and may be reappointed. The Committee shall have those duties assigned explicitly in the Constitution, by-laws, and the Officer's Handbook.

Section 2. President
The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all appointed KACRAO committees. The President shall be responsible for all activities within the association, with the prerogative to delegate duties and responsibilities. The President shall assume this office after the completion of one term as President-Elect and shall serve for one year.

Section 3. President-Elect
The President-Elect shall serve as the principal assistant to the President as needed and coordinate the Annual Conference program. The President-Elect is also responsible for securing bids for the Annual Conference location. The President-Elect should be a member of the current Executive Committee or be actively involved in KACRAO and shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast for this office and shall serve for a one-year term before succeeding to the Presidency; if the President-Elect assumed the Presidency prematurely because of a vacancy in that office, the subsequent regular time would not be affected.

Section 4. Vice President for Admissions and Vice President for Records and Registration
The Vice President for Admissions and the Vice President for Records and Registration shall coordinate the work of committees in their respective professional areas. They shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast for their offices; they shall serve for two-year terms and may not succeed themselves; they shall be elected in alternate years. The Vice President for Admission and the Vice President for Records and Registration shall alternate years holding responsibility for the Support Staff Workshop.

Section 5. Vice President for Technology
The Vice President for Technology shall coordinate all technical services for the Executive Committee and membership. The Vice President will also serve as the chief communications officer for the organization and manage the membership. The majority of the votes cast shall elect the Vice President for Technology. This officer shall serve a two-year term, may be re-elected for one additional time, and shall not succeed. 

Section 6. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall collect and deposit all income (including dues); shall be responsible for the payment of expenses of the association; shall secure the approval of the President before payment; shall prepare quarterly financial statements and an annual proposed budget for the Executive Committee, and at the close of the fiscal year shall prepare a complete financial report. The Auditing Committee shall audit the annual financial information, and the description of the Auditing Committee shall be presented to the Executive Committee and the Association. The Treasurer shall assume this office after completing one term as Treasurer-Elect, shall serve two years, and may not succeed themselves.

Section 7. Treasurer-Elect
The Treasurer-Elect shall train for one year under the current Treasurer, learn the responsibilities of the Treasurer's office, and with the support of the Treasurer, shall transition all financial accounts to themselves and appropriate newly elected officers after the one-year term. The Treasurer-Elect shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast for this office, shall serve one year, and shall transition into the Treasurer office upon completion of the one year.

Section 8. Immediate Past President
The Immediate Past President shall serve as an adviser to the President and the other Executive Committee members, chair the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, and update the KACRAO Officers' Handbook. The Immediate Past President will also serve as the secretary and record keeper for the Executive Committee and the membership and parliamentarian at the annual meeting. This position is for one year after completing a term as President. 

Section 9. Taking Office
Newly elected officers shall take office at the end of the Annual Conference during which they were elected. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, the President-Elect shall assume the position. In the event of a vacancy in any other office, the Executive Committee shall make an appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. Such appointments shall not affect the appointee's election eligibility to any other office.

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If notice was circulated to the active membership at least one month before the conference, adopting any proposed amendments to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast at the Annual Conference. If the Executive Committee did not give notice, a four-fifths (4/5) majority is required to adopt proposed amendments.

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Section 1. Annual Conference
A meeting of the entire association shall be called annually, the precise date and location to be set by the Executive Committee with due regard to geographical rotation. In case of emergency, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to advance, postpone, or omit an Annual Conference; in such a case, the time between two consecutive association meetings shall be counted as one year of administration. The Executive Committee may set a registration fee for the Annual Conference.

Section 2. Business Meeting
Association business shall be conducted at the Annual Conference by the active members present. 

  1. Official business to be conducted at the Annual Conferences shall include at least the following
    1. Election of officers and Members-at-Large;
    2. Reports from officers, and committees, with such action as may be appropriate, including the adoption of the budget and resolutions;
    3. Action on any proposed amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws.
  2. Usually, due notice shall have been given in advance on any substantive matter, including the budget and policy resolutions to be voted on at the Annual Conference.

Section 3. Executive Meetings
The President shall call meetings of the Executive Committee. A simple majority vote shall make decisions within the Executive Committee of the voting members present. One-half of the Executive Committee shall be present for an office to occur.

Section 4. Parliamentary Procedure
Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary procedure for conducting the business meeting affairs of this association.

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Section 1. Membership Year
The membership year of the association shall be from August 1 through July 31. Renewal notices shall be sent to the membership by the Secretary by June 1, with dues payable on or before October 1.

Section 2. Institutional Membership Dues
Changes to the dues for institutional and associate members will be submitted to the membership for approval at the Annual Conference by the Executive Committee.

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The association's fiscal year shall extend from January 1 through December 31.

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Section 1. Officers
Association officers and Members-at-Large shall be elected in the business session of the Annual Conference. Nominees shall be presented to the membership at least 14 days before the Annual Conference by the Committee on Nominations and Elections. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the business meeting.

Section 2. Committee on Nominations and Elections
The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall consist of five members, four of whom are elected by the active members for one year. The Chair-Elect (individual receiving the highest vote total) will continue on the Committee for a second year, succeeding the Chairperson. Retiring committee members shall not be eligible to serve again on this Committee for two years.

(a) After election to committee membership and during service on the Committee, a member shall not be eligible for nomination to a voting position on the Executive Committee nor become eligible by resigning from the Committee.
(b) Each year, this Committee, convened by its Chairperson, shall meet for initial orientation before the end of the annual Association meeting.
(c) Members of the Committee shall assist the Chairperson in soliciting nominees for officers, Members-at-Large, and this Committee. The Nominations and Elections Committee will make every reasonable effort to reflect among the candidates selected the variety of personal and professional characteristics represented in the membership.
(d) A list of eight nominees for the Committee on Nominations and Elections shall be distributed to the active membership at least sixty days before the Annual Conference. The active members shall vote for up to four nominees and return the completed ballot to the Chairperson of the Committee at least thirty days before the Annual Conference. The Chairperson of this Committee will tabulate the results of the votes cast.
(e) In case of the Committee on Nominations and Elections resignation, the person receiving the highest votes shall fill this vacancy and be named to serve as a member.
(f) The results of the election of the Committee on Nominations and Elections will be announced at the business session of the Annual Conference.

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Section 1.
Committees to assist in Association activities, as deemed necessary or desirable, shall be established (or may be discontinued) by the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 2.
Appointments to these committees shall be made for one year with reappointment. Each appointed Committee shall report to the Executive Committee through the appropriate officer.

Section 3. Standing Committees
The association shall maintain the following standing committees: Auditing; Constitution and By-Laws; Nominations and Elections; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; and Resolutions, Awards, and Recognitions. Standing committee appointments, including committee chair appointments, are usually made by the President-Elect, with advice from the Executive Committee, before the Annual Conference.

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The association may establish resolutions, awards, recognitions, and criteria at its discretion to acknowledge the special activities of the body, individual members, or other organizations. The authority for such actions shall be vested in the Executive Committee with input from the Resolutions, Awards, and Recognitions Committee (RAR). No action shall contravene other activities of this nature stated elsewhere in the Constitution or these By-laws.

Section 1. Resolutions
Resolutions may be submitted by any association member to the RAR Committee for review and modification if needed. Solutions may also originate from the RAR or Executive Committee. The chair of the RAR Committee, or designee, may submit the resolution solution at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee or the Annual Business Meeting of the Association for adoption/approval.

Section 2. Awards and Recognitions
The establishment of specific awards, recognitions, and criteria shall originate with the RAR Committee. The majority of the same two-thirds shall authorize changes to the same majority and approve alterations to the same; the same two-thirds majority shall permit modifications to the same of the Executive Committee.

A document listing all official awards and recognitions and criteria for the same, separate and distinct from the Constitution and Bylaws, shall be maintained by the Executive Committee and included in the Officers' Handbook. The Vice President for Technology shall post it to the KACRAO website.

Section 3. Recognitions of Appreciation
The Executive Committee shall have the liberty to recognize, using its choosing, any individual (member or non-member) or organization it deems worthy by simple majority vote. The RAR Committee shall be at liberty to recommend the same to the Executive Committee.

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Adopting the proposed amendment(s) to the By-Laws shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of voting members present at the Annual Meeting. The Executive Committee should give notice at least 14 days before the Annual Conference. Otherwise, a four-fifths (4/5) majority shall be required to adopt the amendment(s).

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